Duck Race

Our organization provides many opportunities for our youth and our community. To accomplish this, we participate in a few fundraisers during the year. One of these is the annual duck race. Hundreds of yellow rubber ducks are adopted and set free down the Greeley #2 Canal. Ducks will be released at the 17th Street bridge over the #2 Canal (behind the Windsor Gardener), and the finish line will be at the 11th Street bridge over the Canal (behind the Windsor Rec. Center). Duck Adoptions are $10 each and are not tax-deductible. Cash prizes of $500, $300, & $100 will be awarded! See the Duck Adoption Form for complete rules and instructions.
NOTE: Ducks should take approximately 20-40 minutes to reach the finish line.
Parking is available along 17th Street and at the Windsor Rec. Center and Windsor High School. There is a path along both sides of the #2 Canal from 17th Street to 11th Street so you can follow the ducks as they make their way toward the Finish Line.
2024 Duck Adoptions are closed in preparation for the event on 8/3/24.

1. Ducks will be launched into the No. 2 Canal in Windsor at the 17th St. bridge at approximately 10 a.m. on race day. The Finish Line is at the
11th St. bridge. The Race Course will be established by the Presenter. Presenter is the Optimist Club of Windsor, aka Windsor Optimist Club.
2. The number of ducks entered in the race will be determined solely by the number adopted. Chances of winning are determined by the
number of ducks adopted and the number of prizes available. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top finishers.
3. In the event that any portion of the adoption form is illegible, incorrect, or unclear, the Presenter will use its best judgment to complete the entry.
4. Each duck will be related to a specific adoption form. The person whose name appears on the adoption form corresponding to a winning
duck will be awarded a prize based upon the order that ducks are retrieved at the completion of the race. The number of winning ducks is
determined by the number of available prizes.
5. No purchase is necessary to win. One free adoption per adult may be obtained by contacting the Optimist Club of Windsor at
P. O. Box 83, Windsor, CO 80550. Include a stamped, self-addressed #10 envelope. The completed adoption form must be accepted
by the Presenter prior to the deadline.
6. All proceeds go to the Optimist Club of Windsor.
7. All ducks entered will be provided by the Presenter and shall remain the property of the Presenter.
8. Once the ducks are launched, they're on their own. Attempts may be made by the Presenter, & only the Presenter, to keep the ducks moving. It's
possible that some ducks may never complete the race due to natural hazards or impediments in the Canal. Such circumstance is purely random.
9. A list of winners and prizes awarded can be obtained on the Presenter's website (
10. Winners consent to the promotional use of their names and likenesses without compensation.
11. Entrants assume the risk of non-delivery of any entries sent by mail.
12. By entering, winners acknowledge that the Presenter will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind
resulting from the acceptance, possession, or use of the prize. Winners assume any tax liability for prizes accepted.
13. The Windsor Optimist Club is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. Duck Adoption fees are NOT tax deductible to the Purchaser.